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The Monk Bar, Guisborough

Conversion of the former Priory Saddlery shop in Guisborough into The Monk Bar involved substantial restoration and redevelopment. The entire ground floor was re-designed to allow for a large modern open bar area. Alterations included, the removal of several internal walls, the levelling of the floor throughout, and the removal of a section of first floor to create a large double height area with a one of a kind feature chandelier.


A new frontage was also designed to replace the existing dilapidated façade, thus enhancing the general appearance of the building and complimenting the style of its surroundings.

The exterior of the former shop before works commenced.

The new enhanced frontage of the bar.

The light interior of the bar has a modern yet cosy atmosphere.

The one of a kind feature chandelier provides a focal point for the double height space.

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